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Working Papers and Publications

Manuscripts Under Review

Barbara Duffek, Andreas B. Eisingerich, Omar Merlo & Guan Aik Lee

“How Can Brands Work with Influencers to Create Authentic Branded Content?”

Status: revising for 3rd round resubmission at the Journal of Marketing

Barbara Duffek, Omar Merlo, Wayne Hoyer & Andreas B. Eisingerich

“The Deflation Effect: How to Go from Vengeful to Helpful Customer Reviews?”

Status: revise & resubmit at the Journal of Marketing

Adnan Yusuf, Anish Nagpal, Omar Merlo and Barbara Duffek, 

“Marketing Capabilities for Successful Customer Participation in B2C”

Status: reject & resubmit at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Working Papers

Barbara Duffek, Omar Merlo, Andreas B. Eisingerich & Simon Bell

“How Can Digital Offerings Enhance Consumers’ Quality of Life”

Status: data collection in progress

Barbara Duffek, Thomas Foscht & Andreas B. Eisingerich

“How Can Customer Switching to Another Service Be Reduced”

Status: data collection in progress

Barbara Duffek & Andreas B. Eisingerich

“Can Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Service Make People Less Selfish? Exploring Symbolic Benefits Offered by AI in Service and Customer Outcomes”

Status: data collection in progress


Barbara Duffek, Andreas B. Eisingerich & Omar Merlo

“Why so Toxic? A Framework for Exploring Customer Toxicity”

Status: published at AMS Review

Astvansh, Vivek*, Barbara Duffek* & Andreas B. Eisingerich*

“How Can Companies Recover from Liability-Invoking Failures? Exploring the Role of Uncertainty Avoidance in Facilitating Consumer Compliance Across National Cultures,”

Status: published at the Journal of International Marketing

*equal authorship. Authors listed in alphabetical order.

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